2025 vendor applications are now open.
First Day : May 20, 2025
The Cabbagetown Farmers’ Market strives to strengthen and revive the relationship between the vibrant Cabbagetown community and local, sustainable food initiatives.
The Cabbagetown Farmers’ Market guiding principles are to support ecological/sustainable food growing & production methods. We emphasize working with farmers from Southern Ontario to keep it as local as possible!
Vendor applications for the 2025 season are open!
To apply, please complete the application form (Google Form) and submit your signed Cabbagetown Market 2025 Rules and Regulations (PDF) to ellie@cabbagetownmarket.ca.

The Cabbagetown Farmers’ Market is a Riverdale Urban Farming Inc. project, and strives to develop and strengthen the relationship between those who live in Canada’s largest city with those who produce, prepare, and promote local, sustainable food products. The Market is designed to challenge those living in cities to reconnect with their sources of food and examine the food choices they make.
We look forward to meeting you there!